Hello & Thanks
I just wanted to post something on the site to say thanks to all who contribute here.
I’m another newbie regards cycling and as much as it was a bit difficult starting out again, I really am enjoying the whole cycling experience.
I’ve been cycling for about 10 weeks now and from my first cycle being approx 3 mile, and absolutely knackered after it, I have now just last week done my first full commute to work, which is just under 22 miles round trip.
I’m in my early 40’s and well over weight and haven’t done any real exercise for a number of years so for me the last 10 weeks have been absolutely great. Not only am I now exercising regularly but I’m really enjoying it as well.
The main point of my post is this, I’ve got to admit that the first few weeks were difficult and at times I wasn’t so sure I would reach my target of being able to cycle to work and back. It was finding this forum that really gave me the belief to keep going and get over those first few barriers. It was great to know there was a few other people out there in the exact same position as me, and it was also great to see the support/advice that the more experience cyclists on this forum gave to people starting out………believe me I’ve been reading all the posts over the last few months and it really has inspired me to keep going.
I reckon this is one of the most positive internet forums I’ve ever been on and it’s good to know there is a bit cycling community out there.
So good luck to all the beginners out there and thanks to everyone who contributes on the forum.
I just wanted to post something on the site to say thanks to all who contribute here.
I’m another newbie regards cycling and as much as it was a bit difficult starting out again, I really am enjoying the whole cycling experience.
I’ve been cycling for about 10 weeks now and from my first cycle being approx 3 mile, and absolutely knackered after it, I have now just last week done my first full commute to work, which is just under 22 miles round trip.
I’m in my early 40’s and well over weight and haven’t done any real exercise for a number of years so for me the last 10 weeks have been absolutely great. Not only am I now exercising regularly but I’m really enjoying it as well.
The main point of my post is this, I’ve got to admit that the first few weeks were difficult and at times I wasn’t so sure I would reach my target of being able to cycle to work and back. It was finding this forum that really gave me the belief to keep going and get over those first few barriers. It was great to know there was a few other people out there in the exact same position as me, and it was also great to see the support/advice that the more experience cyclists on this forum gave to people starting out………believe me I’ve been reading all the posts over the last few months and it really has inspired me to keep going.
I reckon this is one of the most positive internet forums I’ve ever been on and it’s good to know there is a bit cycling community out there.
So good luck to all the beginners out there and thanks to everyone who contributes on the forum.