Hello from Wolverhampton!

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Well-Known Member

Recently got into cycling - bought a cheap MTB from a LBS 6 weeks ago. Use it for commuting and light trail rides at the weekend.

So far I've covered just over 400 miles and I think I've got the bug.

Would eventually like to build up to doing some more significant trails on a reputable MTB. I think I am also going to look into getting a half-decent road bike for my commute to work as I think I've hit a wall on how fast I can get my MTB to go.

See you around!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to the forum :welcome:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi and :welcome: from up the road in Salop.

The road bike would certainly be faster and you'll get good advice about what to get if you want it. Something you could also try (if you haven't already) is changing the knobbly tyres on the MTB for slicks or touring style tyres - that'll make it roll a bit quicker.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for the warm welcome all!!
:welcome: Training miles on a heavyish bike are never wasted.
Yeah, must agree there! I cannot wait to get a RB!! My MTB is 17kg!! The RB I am looking at are 8-10kg. World's apart.
Hi and :welcome: from up the road in Salop.

The road bike would certainly be faster and you'll get good advice about what to get if you want it. Something you could also try (if you haven't already) is changing the knobbly tyres on the MTB for slicks or touring style tyres - that'll make it roll a bit quicker.
Thank you! I am going to do that if the tread runs out before I get a RB at the end of August. Putting in 100m per week is quickly getting me through the back tyre.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. :smile:


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Would eventually like to build up to doing some more significant trails on a reputable MTB. I think I am also going to look into getting a half-decent road bike for my commute to work as I think I've hit a wall on how fast I can get my MTB to go.

You've got the N+1 bug, then?
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