Hello - From Sunny Sandwich!

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Sandwich, Kent
Hi All

So pleased to have found this forum!

Rediscovered my love of cycling after nearly 30 years!! Currently riding a Dawes Discovery Trail and loving it! Been cycling now most days for the last month, only managing 10 miles per outing/ride at the moment, lol! BUT noticing the strength improving in my legs - made a breakthrough yesterday and cycled a lot of my journey on the top cog (front) and using gears 3,4 and 5!! :-)

So happy to be riding again!!!
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Welcome to the forum ... have a good look around and make yourself comfortable. Tea and biscuits are served in the Cafe and there's plenty of cycling stuff to get your teeth into. :thumbsup:

Shaun :biggrin:


Rural Kent
Great that you're enjoying your bike. At least there's a bit of flat land up your way to practise on! I'm similar - took up cycling again aged 49 and a 10-mile trip is very comfortable for me now, in spite of a few low-Wealden hills!


Sandwich, Kent
Thanks all of you for making me feel welcome! Ganymede, I moved here to Sandwich a year ago and have to say I love it here! I lived in Goudhurst before here and quite hilly round there :-)


Sandwich, Kent
Hi Hill Wimp! I love to cycle from Sandwich to Deal via that windy road past the golf courses - I love the view from Sandown Castle! I then ride back to Sandwich Bay from there along that gravelly stoney track - stunning! I am aiming to do the annual Tour de Sandwich next year - 50k to start with though :-) - wow, your holiday weeks riding sound great! certainly has been great weather for it!


Ramsgate, Kent
Hello and :welcome: from up the road in Ramsgate! I'm off the bike at the mo due to back and neck injuries from a car accident but once I'm back on the bike if you want a cycling buddy just give me a shout! I love sandwich I ride there often.

There is also a lovely bunch of ladies called Herne Bay Ladies Cycling Club that often meet at the Guildhall in sandwich for a ride. They are very welcoming to new members and put on rides for people of all abilities.


Sandwich, Kent
Hi Bryony - wow! Sorry to hear that and hope you are well on the road to recovery! Would love a cycling buddy! Lived in Sandwich a year now and really love the life in our part of the world. I work in Ramsgate - London Array near the Port of Ramsgate. We should definitely meet up sometime. I will look up the Herne Bay Ladies Cycling Club for sure, thanks for that info :smile:


Ramsgate, Kent
Hi Bryony - wow! Sorry to hear that and hope you are well on the road to recovery! Would love a cycling buddy! Lived in Sandwich a year now and really love the life in our part of the world. I work in Ramsgate - London Array near the Port of Ramsgate. We should definitely meet up sometime. I will look up the Herne Bay Ladies Cycling Club for sure, thanks for that info :smile:
Yep I know London Array I live about 5 mins from there!

Yes I am recovering and really itching to get back on the bike but I know that getting on it will still be pretty uncomfortable but hopefully in a couple of weeks I can attempt a ride!

I can't recommend the ladies enough when I went out on my taster ride with them they were great, I can struggle with my fitness sometimes as I have a heart prob, but they were really encouraging and helped me up the hills! There is another lady there with a heart prob and she took the time to meet up with me for a little ride and a cake stop and we had a chat about our medical problems!

I will let you know when I'm back on the bike and then we can arrange a meet up at some point! ^_^


Here's the link to their website :smile:
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