Hello from Preston!

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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone...
Been looking around the forum for a while and it's about time I popped my head up over the parapet...

I've just brushed off my bike recently in an attempt to lose a bit of weight, and am really enjoying myself, seeing lots of new things and just loving being outside..except when cursing as I drag my hefty carcass uphill....

Don't always have a lot of time, but try to get in the odd hour when I can......

Anyway, that's me.....


Legendary Member
:welcome: keep at it. ^_^
Ano southerer here who rides a fair bit round your neck of the woods due to working around those parts.

There plenty of quiet lanes and decent hills to shift that weight prey quickly.

Had a ride out up there last night, bamber bridge, Leyland, bretherton, euxton and back to bamber. 20 odd miles and lovele with it. My other usual route takes me from bamber to Mellor and back thorough the rubble valley.


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to the forum :welcome:
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