Hello from Norfolk.

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Active Member
Hello to all.

New member here just saying 'Hello', and from Norfolk (Wymondham area, actually).

Recently got back into cycling (bought a new bike last month) mainly because i was getting a bit lethargic and so decided to do something about it and hopefully get a little bit more active. I do not enjoy jogging/running, the thought of lifting weights etc at a gym held no appeal either, so cycling it was!! To be honest I loved cycling in my younger days, so that helped to sway my decision to go out and buy a new bike.

Anyway, that's my intro out of the way, I look forward to posting in the forum.



Middle Earth
:welcome: from Scotland.
I lived in Norfolk for a time...near Acle :smile:


World class procrastinator
Hi & :welcome: from Wymondham, Norfolk. Was that you who passed me last night going over the A11 roundabouts? Someone shot past me like I was going backwards.
What do you ride? We'll keep a look out.
Obviously you know about Hethersett Velo. They go out to play on Monday evenings and Thursday evenings.


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome folks :hello:

I bought myself a Cannondale Synapse (Carbon). I did not want an all out race-bike, just a nice all-round road bike, and after reading reviews and asking around I decided that was the one to go for. Will try and post a pic, if I can figure it out.



Ahah!! Pic posting worked! :wahhey:

I replaced a few things to 'tart it up' a bit: fitted Red brake cables, KCMC anodised jockey wheels on the deraileur, red alloy chainset bolts, anodised 'Hope' QR skewers, KMC Gold chain and Mavic Aksium wheels in place of the standard Shimano ones (I bought the Aksium wheels a while back to fit to an old steel framed bike that I have, but after buying the Cannondale thought they would look quite nice on that!). Put one of those bike computers on it too.

I love those gear levers behind the brake levers, very convenient (I am used to them being on the downtube ...... showing my age now!) but those clipless pedals a little bit awkward at the moment, especially when pulling away from standstill.

Saluki, I hate to say I do not know of Hetherset Velo, whereabouts do they meet? Would I need to join as a club member or such? Do they meet at a specific time?

Again, thanks for the welcomes, people.


Active Member
Saluki, I hate to say I do not know of Hetherset Velo, whereabouts do they meet? Would I need to join as a club member or such? Do they meet at a specific time?

Ignore those questions from me, I have just found Hethersett Velo's website, with the relevant info. (Noticed they insist on helmets being worn, I have not got one of those at the moment).

Just out of interest, does anybody know of any rides organised specifically out of Wymondham? Weekday evenings or anytime weekends?

Thanks again!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi. Welcome from powys.


World class procrastinator
Saluki, I hate to say I do not know of Hetherset Velo, whereabouts do they meet? Would I need to join as a club member or such? Do they meet at a specific time?
Here you go.

Not been out with them myself. I keep meaning to and then get sidetracked by other stuff. Might go out and play on Tuesday evening though, if I don't get sidetracked again.


Active Member
I have just found Hethersett Velo's website, with the relevant info. (Noticed they insist on helmets being worn, I have not got one of those at the moment).

Finally resolved the issue of not having a cycle helmet. Just bought a Kask Mojito, from Howards in Wymondham, with the bonus that the nice lady in the shop knocked 10% off, total of £108. Heard good things about the Kask range (although I know they are not cheap) and they seem to be one of the less 'bulky' helmets, which is good. Also like the fact that it has a separate lining attached with Velcro, makes cleaning much simpler. Feels comfy too.

Went for the Black and Red one, matches the bike!

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