Hello from it's not sure if it wants to rain or not Derbyshire.

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Senior Member
So I'm getting back into cycling after a many year break. I can't drive and used to cycle everywhere as a kid/teenager on a old mountain bike hewn from wrought iron. I've been thinking about it for a while but recently bought bikes for the kids (10 and 12 with sound sensitive autism with learning difficulties) and had a go and instantly remembered why I loved it so much.

I am aware that they have a bad rap but I've reserved a bike from halfords (with the 10% off bank holiday weekend sale discount) in chesterfield to pick up tomorrow. http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_categoryId_165534_productId_1014925_langId_-1#tab2 If I'm honest yes I would like a £600 hybrid but I'm a bit poor and if I keep putting it off till I can afford a nice one it will be 2017. :smile:

I also do sewing, Photography and geocashing when I have time to.
Hiya :welcome:
I dont know about that bike but some of their bikes have a great rep, its just some of their 'mechanics' (I use that in the loosest possible terms) that let them down.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I have a halfords hybrid as well. Cheap and cheerful, but never mind. You have a bike and your cycling. Enough said. Hope you enjoy the forum


Senior Member
Thank you for the welcome :biggrin:

I had everything planned for tomorrow so beautifully. My son is on respite so my daughter and I were going to pick up the new bike and head to the lovely cycle path along the canal (opposite halfords) so I could practice on the good bit then head home along the terrible bit. Checked the weather and it's sever warning of rain, which could prove "interesting". I predict whining.


Middle Earth
So I'm getting back into cycling after a many year break. I can't drive and used to cycle everywhere as a kid/teenager on a old mountain bike hewn from wrought iron. I've been thinking about it for a while but recently bought bikes for the kids (10 and 12 with sound sensitive autism with learning difficulties) and had a go and instantly remembered why I loved it so much.

I am aware that they have a bad rap but I've reserved a bike from halfords (with the 10% off bank holiday weekend sale discount) in chesterfield to pick up tomorrow. http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_categoryId_165534_productId_1014925_langId_-1#tab2 If I'm honest yes I would like a £600 hybrid but I'm a bit poor and if I keep putting it off till I can afford a nice one it will be 2017. :smile:

I also do sewing, Photography and geocashing when I have time to.
Hello and :welcome:
I noticed that bike in my local Halfords recently...I really liked the look of it!
I ride a Mountain bike, mainly light trails, woods, canal towpaths and cycle paths.
I'm just getting my 13 yr old son onto a bike this year - he has Aspergers, ADHD, Dyspraxia and Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome.
We're going on holiday in a couple of weeks and taking our bikes - he is so excited!
I also like photography :smile:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
HI @Learnincurve and :welcome:.

That bike looks okay for the money. Let us know how you get on with it.:thumbsup:

Given the other interests you've listed, you might like to know that Cyclechat also has sister sites that cover photography and crafts. There are links to them right at the top of the page.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Hello !
I keep looking out and i am still deciding whether to commute to work for night shift on the bike or the car as the weatherman says its going to pee it down all night but all afternoon it has just drizzled.


Senior Member
Oh kay. It's list making time. I have absolutely no sense of direction so I already have GPS, (garmin Oregon 450 and a satmap 10, which is usually used for hiking but I have the cycle maps for it) and I've got a helmet. What I don't have is a lock and a waterproof jacket that isn't a very vile shade of pink. I'm also mildly concerned about shoes, I have lightweight walking shoes that are like heavy duty trainers so thems'll have to do for now. But no excuses, get the bike, get the lock, brave wearing pink it will be character building, and I will appreciate the upgrades more.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Oh kay. It's list making time. I have absolutely no sense of direction so I already have GPS, (garmin Oregon 450 and a satmap 10, which is usually used for hiking but I have the cycle maps for it) and I've got a helmet. What I don't have is a lock and a waterproof jacket that isn't a very vile shade of pink.
When you go for a lock, budget for a decent one - cheap cable locks are easily broken unfortunately. The pink jacket might actually be quite useful on the bike as the colour stands out really well. Makes a change from the usual high-viz.;)

I'm also mildly concerned about shoes, I have lightweight walking shoes that are like heavy duty trainers so thems'll have to do for now.
Those sound okay. I do most of my riding in walking shoes and find them pretty comfy.:thumbsup:


Senior Member
Oh lord this is a bad idea, I know this is a bad idea, if anything ever had a neon flashing sign saying "you are going to have a bad time" this is it. It's not that it's raining, it's that it's been raining constantly so the bad bit of the tow path is going to be mud. The alternative of course is wheeling it home and then re-learning to ride in front of my neighbours so I think I'm just going to have to suck it up and be a bit brave.
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