Hello from Ayrshire

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Just a wee note to say Hi to the forum.

I've been into cycling for many, many years but most of them during working life have been very occasional and erratic. I started out in my teens touring and joining the local cc, tried a bit of club TT's then stopped, got into MTB in late teens and did that for about 10yrs and a few years ago, rediscovered a love for the road.

I often work away from home and that plays havoc with available time, fitness and motivation but I've completed a few sportives over the past couple of years incl. Etape Caledonia.

I do have around 6 bikes in all in my stable but really, only 3 get used. My Synapse Di2 Disc is my "good bike", my Genesis Equilibrium is my "steel is real" winter bike with full length guards and I have a cheapie 2nd hand Carrera TDF permanently connected to a turbo. I also have a s/s + 2 MTB's but these don't really see the light of day at the moment.

I discovered the forum only this week as I decided to take the plunge and transition from my bullet proof Kinetic Road Machine to a new Bkool Pro to bring a new dimension / distraction to indoor training. With limited time (4 kids + work), I have setup a permanent "pain cave" to get back into shape so have been learning all about the world of Bkool trainers and simulators from this excellent forum. Very, very out of shape at present but when this changes, I'll maybe even try and get into some of the group events.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello and welcome :welcome:
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