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Al T

New Member
Hello all...
Just taken up road cycling in a semi serious sort of way as an alternative to running & in a bid to preserve the 56 year old joints as they say...
10 days ago I bought myself an entry level cannondale synaspe that rattles like a barsteward...aggghh...maybe cables?
Don't really know what I should be attaining in the speed / mileage stakes but 'map my ride' tells me I can average just over 15mph on an undulating A road circuit of 23 miles...
I'm putting the hills in too & have an exercise bike for the wet & windy days....exercise bike sessions consist of 1 / 2 / or 3 x 30 min sessions @ approx 10 miles / 240 cal readouts per 30 min sessions.
Advice would be welcome as to what sort of stats I should be aiming for both out on the road & from the exercise bike.
Hoping to be of some use to your community..
Best regards,


Hi and welcome,

If you have a competitive gene, make sure you join a club, go on a few club runs and ride a few time trials. You'll soon see where you fit in and will learn a lot.

Training schedules vary tremendously for each person, but whatever is enjoyable is the best. I am a young 64 yr old and my long weekly training run is about 90mins(24 miles) and my shortest training run is 9 and a half minutes! Training runs usually not more than 15mph avg. Weekly 10's this season are now in the 27minute zone - about 21 mph.

Cheers keith
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