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Senior Member
Another newbie here!

I took up cycling in April and have completed London-Brighton and London-Cambridge this year but am joining to get as much help and advice as I can.

I have had serious knee injuries and honestly thought I'd be destined for the sofa for eternity. Not only have I got fit I have honestly caught the bug.

My next event is the London Bikeathon 100 the London to Paris next year. I will be looking at more training advice as I am a little concerned about cracking the 100. I am comfortably completing 50-55 miles so is it a case of increasing these training rides or simply setting a slower pace on the day?

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this and hello :smile:


South Liverpool
Hello and :welcome:

I would add 10-15 miles to your longest ride each week, you'll soon be there! Setting a slower pace may sound good but in practice I find I'd be just as tired (possibly more so) by say the 80 mile mark going slow than if I had ridden at my regular sustainable pace. I'd say 65-70 miles is halfway, don't put any big efforts into the first half :thumbsup:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi and :welcome: Diz.

If you're happy doing 50-55 miles I'd say that, yes it's just a case of steadily increasing the mileage.

On my long rides I will avoid pressing on too much and try to set a pace that it feels like I could do all day. Works for me.


Senior Member
Thank you both :thumbsup:

Looking at my work schedule I will be able to fit in 3 larger rides so will go 65 next weekend. When I did L2B I wanted to fit in a ride of that distance so I know I could do it. I don't think I'll have time to fit the "century" in before the day. I will be going out for 3 days a week averaging 20-35 miles on top of the larger rides. it'll be great to crack 100 this summer.

There are hills too, including box hill so my midweek rides will be on as many hills as I can find, although they are few and far between where I am!
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