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Fog Beast

I'm just considering a return to cycling as a way to save a bit of money and stop myself from getting out of breath when walking up the stairs.

Not been on a bike since I was 16 and now 34, so a bit of a break, I thought I would take a little time but progress has been slow going, I'm managing a two and a half mile daily ride but even this small amount is not really showing any improvement. I'm hoping to get to a point where I can cycle 13 miles to work and then back again so any tips on building endurance would be most welcome.


Cycling in the sun
Just stick with it, hopefully when it gets a little cooler it will be less tiring. Is it 13 miles total or each way that you are aiming for? Both are doable but it will take a little more time to build up to the longer distance.


Just take small steps and do it as often as you can I started just by doing 2.7 miles in a ride and being worn out now my biggest ride is 32 miles . This has been over a couple of months and I'm 49. So for someone your age it shouldn't be a problem .

Welcome to the forums


Middle Earth
I started cycling again last October and managed to get out over most of the winter months.

I've built up from a few miles, to a regular 15 miles, and my longest ride so far has been 33.5 miles.
I regularly clock up between 40-60 miles a week.
Keep at it, it will come!


Ramsgate, Kent
:welcome: just keep at it I started off by struggling to do just 2 miles it will feel at times like you're making no progress but it will come and there's plenty if people on here that will give you encouragement when you need it!


Cycling in the sun
Thanks everyone. I'll stick to it and try to up the distance. But I will always hate hills.
Me too and I've been cycling 7 years or more. I guess the get slightly easier but my colleagues are always surprised that I'm not fast up hills as they know I do more miles than they do on average! I'm just not a hill climber!


West Lothian
Welcome mate.

As said above, keep at it and try to increase your distance slowly. Last September I was doing 10 mile commutes and struggling. Last week I completed my first 50 mile trip!

It'll start to improve for you soon enough.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi and :welcome: @Fog Beast

Keep at it, it will get easier.:thumbsup: At the risk of a lot of regulars going "oh, no not this again"; is your bike set up right for you? It's pretty common for new riders to set their saddle too low which makes the bike hard work to ride and really makes the leg muscles burn.


Legendary Member
Thanks everyone. I'll stick to it and try to up the distance.

Or you could try to spend more time on the bike and let the distance look after itself.
Getting out several times a day for short trips and getting home before it hurts can, I believe, get you up to a reasonable level of fitness sooner than trying to cover a set distance in less time than previously.
Fog Beast

Fog Beast

Hi and :welcome: @Fog Beast

Keep at it, it will get easier.:thumbsup: At the risk of a lot of regulars going "oh, no not this again"; is your bike set up right for you? It's pretty common for new riders to set their saddle too low which makes the bike hard work to ride and really makes the leg muscles burn.

I'm going to check the bike set up tonight. But surely Halfords have set it up for me to the highest possible standard.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I'm going to check the bike set up tonight. But surely Halfords have set it up for me to the highest possible standard.
Halfords? High standards? Ummm...:unsure:

The method I usually suggest to get a good starting point is to set the saddle height so that your leg is straight when sat on the saddle with your heel on the pedal at the bottom of the stroke. It should then be about right when pushing the pedal with the ball of the foot and can be fine tuned to suit you from there.

There are other more technical methods available but this is a nice easy one to get started with.

Daz stevens

Hi and welcome.
Being new to cycling I started last spring time and really struggled to do any distance but I used to ride just for the enjoyment of looking around the countryside ect.I find that now some days I go out for a ride and its like ridding through treacle !!!!!!!!!!!! why is I ask myself? I have no idea. I have eaten ok. I have rested ok. But still the bike doesn't want to move. On the other hand I have had rides out when I don't particularly feel like it just the rides gone really well and I have beat most of my PB on strava .All in All thou as all the others have said. It will come just persevere.
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