Hello all, I have purchased a Fafree F20 electric bike

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Hello all, I have purchased a Fafree F20 electric bike, first one. Haven't had a bike in over twenty-five years, so will need advice. I have purchased a bike cleaner kit and need to know what should I put in it to clean the chain?? Also, how often should I clean it say that I will use it 10 miles or so for 5 days a week??? Thanks in advance for you help, and patience, Gepuk2001


Kilometre nibbler
You've come to the right place. Chain cleaning is something that we love to obsess about.

As long as you are not completely neglecting your chain you're doing ok - better than a lot of people.

Giving it some attention every couple of hundred miles should be fine. But if you ride every day through mud in a rainstorm or on a sandy beach through salt spray then you'll need to be more attentive. :smile:
I use a Lidl spray on lubricant, normally apply that once a week to the entire chain. As DT says if I've ridden somewhere expesically mucky I'll give the chain a wash, I just use a cloth and turn the pedals backward to get the chain through it and the gunk off.


Legendary Member
London, UK
In summer months, I clean and lube chain every 2-3 weeks (4 weeks is fine too) and in winter, every 1-2 weeks (3 weeks is fine too).

It's good to clean and THEN lube the chain but it also depends on how bothered you are. I really dislike even slightly unclean and squeaky chains.

After a while, you will just get to know your own cleaning routine depending on the weather you ride in and stuff like that. But don't get any cleaning fluid on to your braking surfaces of course.

Good luck, enjoy, have fun and congratulations on your new bike!

Ps by the time I post this, I'm sure someone would have mentioned the mickle method by now. :smile:

Edit: wow, no one has mentioned it!
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