heart rate

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New Member
does anyone know how to work out the average heart rate my HRM only does max and I want to record my average over a few months to see if theres any difference cheers

Bill Gates

West Sussex
jonnyboy said:
does anyone know how to work out the average heart rate my HRM only does max and I want to record my average over a few months to see if theres any difference cheers

You'll need to buy a computer that does that for you I'm afraid. Otherwise you would need to watch the monitor constantly during riding and then have a brain like a computer to constantly analyse the readings. And then that's assuming you haven't crashed out by not looking where you're going.:eek:


I measure and record my waking heart rate every Saturday morning (along with systolic and diastolic blood pressure) on one of those little machines from Boots.

It's not measuring HR under load, of course, but if you want to record the effect that increased exercise is having on you it is quite a good way to do it.
At best you could reset the max each ride and average the max for the same route to give an indication of whether you were improving on the more strenuous parts. Otherwise you need a better hrm as already pointed out.


Legendary Member
Just measure your resting heart rate in the mornings before you get up. That's a good measure of fitness.


Rigid Raider said:
Just measure your resting heart rate in the mornings before you get up. That's a good measure of fitness.

That's been my approach. My RHR measured in the mornings has dropped from 84 (was I in a bad way!) to 56 since August.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Rigid Raider said:
Just measure your resting heart rate in the mornings before you get up. That's a good measure of fitness.

Chrisc said:
That's been my approach. My RHR measured in the mornings has dropped from 84 (was I in a bad way!) to 56 since August.
I agree with what Bill just wrote in this thread. It is the change of RHR that tells you something useful, not the absolute rate. My rate is naturally low. When I got very unfit or unwell it went up to the high 50s. When I'm very fit, rested and well it is down in the low 30s.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
I think you need to buy a hr monitor that'll give you the ahr for each ride, then record in your log. The best indicator for fitness is how quick your hr recovers after exercise.

My rhr is normally 50 but if i'm unwell or lacking in training it goes up.

If you can get yourself a garmin 305 excellent for recording your training and mapping your routes. Look at maffetone training used for running but could work with cycling too.


My heart rate, just measured at work after coming in from the workshop is 68. After the work I've just done that's OK by me. Will try the three miunute step test later, if I do it here they'll all assume that they were right in thinking I'm barmy!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
ASC1951 said:
..and clinically dead. :eek:

My GP used to be worried that mine was in the low 40s.
It was a bit scary sometimes lying in bed late at night when it was quiet, in such a position that I could hear my heart beat. It would go BM-BUMP (Mississippi Mississip..) BM-BUMP (Mississippi Mississip..)... It seemed an age between beats.

I've thought about buying one of those medical bracelets and writing on it what my RHR is, in case of accident. I seem to remember my mother telling me that I have an unusual blood group too so perhaps I should find out what it is and write that down too.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Garz said:
A.L.F Colin old bean?
¿Qué? :ohmy:

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Er, none of the above!
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