Been using a HRM for Squash for a long time not counting the warm up , (but including 45 seconds rest between games) I can AV 167 with a Max of 185 -191 , I am sweating hard and breathing deeply but Im OK and can last 40 -60 with this Average ( even two matches a day). I started biking two months ago building my mileage up to 100 miles per week and I noticed that while doing Ankerdine hill ( 18% for a short period) that my heart rate got up to 175 but my perceived effort was far higher than anything I have done in squash, my breathing , well words cant explain... and I couldn't keep this up for more than 3-5 minutes although I did get up the hill in one shot this time. My question is there must be something with regard to effort other than HR , Can some one enlighten me , Cheers
Been using a HRM for Squash for a long time not counting the warm up , (but including 45 seconds rest between games) I can AV 167 with a Max of 185 -191 , I am sweating hard and breathing deeply but Im OK and can last 40 -60 with this Average ( even two matches a day). I started biking two months ago building my mileage up to 100 miles per week and I noticed that while doing Ankerdine hill ( 18% for a short period) that my heart rate got up to 175 but my perceived effort was far higher than anything I have done in squash, my breathing , well words cant explain... and I couldn't keep this up for more than 3-5 minutes although I did get up the hill in one shot this time. My question is there must be something with regard to effort other than HR , Can some one enlighten me , Cheers