Hi all,
Just after some thoughts of others with more knowledge than I have on this.
I am a 46, 78kg, active cyclist. The max my HR monitor has registered is 191bpm.
During a club ride on Saturday, we had just had a great peloton riding through a flat section for 30 minutes or so, all taking turns on the front. HR averaging about 170, peaking at 184 (when on the front). We turn off and the ride settles down as we all catch out breath, however my heart rate doesn't recover, no matter how steady I take it. I feel like I've hit the wall, the group (but 1) drop me as I try and get my HR under control, but for the next 13 miles, it stays high (170 -180), I feel like I have no energy. It did drop to 165 on a long descent, but should've been a lower than this. It wasn't normal (for me). The ride was 63 miles, with most of the climbing in the first 40.
Not having felt like this on a ride before I was a little worried. It was about 26 centigrade, and I don't recall drinking while on the flat bit. I think it could've all been caused by dehydration(I had eaten flapjacks and fig rolls on the ride).
I did Ride London last Sunday, but after the ride discovered I had food poisoning. Rested up for a few days.
Did I get on the bike too soon, trying to do too much and didn't look after myself? But what's with the HR staying high, does this happen when you hit the wall, when you're dehydrated??
Went home and had a snooze, got a headache and felt wiped out. I was ok again late Saturday.
Just after some thoughts of others with more knowledge than I have on this.
I am a 46, 78kg, active cyclist. The max my HR monitor has registered is 191bpm.
During a club ride on Saturday, we had just had a great peloton riding through a flat section for 30 minutes or so, all taking turns on the front. HR averaging about 170, peaking at 184 (when on the front). We turn off and the ride settles down as we all catch out breath, however my heart rate doesn't recover, no matter how steady I take it. I feel like I've hit the wall, the group (but 1) drop me as I try and get my HR under control, but for the next 13 miles, it stays high (170 -180), I feel like I have no energy. It did drop to 165 on a long descent, but should've been a lower than this. It wasn't normal (for me). The ride was 63 miles, with most of the climbing in the first 40.
Not having felt like this on a ride before I was a little worried. It was about 26 centigrade, and I don't recall drinking while on the flat bit. I think it could've all been caused by dehydration(I had eaten flapjacks and fig rolls on the ride).
I did Ride London last Sunday, but after the ride discovered I had food poisoning. Rested up for a few days.
Did I get on the bike too soon, trying to do too much and didn't look after myself? But what's with the HR staying high, does this happen when you hit the wall, when you're dehydrated??
Went home and had a snooze, got a headache and felt wiped out. I was ok again late Saturday.