Healthy, pocketable snacks

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No longer a Specialized fanboy

Im really trying to lay off the bad stuff, and eat more healthily.

When at home I drink water and snack on fruit, but when Im at work I cant as no food or drink is allowed on the shop floor.

As I have a job that often means I have to stay until its done and delay or miss a brake I think that rule is ripe for bending a little.

So, what Im after is suggestion for food that can be kept at room temp, wont melt, is in small bitesize chunks (I will have to eat them on the sly) and most importantly filling to keep the chocco-munchies at bay.

Any ideas?


I keep a packet of fruit and nut from aldi in my drawer. Slow release energy from the nuts, quick from the fruit. Lasts ages, doesn't need to be sealed in the bag, and is cheap and reasonably healthy.
Something like this?
Very nice they are, but might be a bit sticky if you're having to secret them in your pocket... :secret:


Senior Member
If you are after satiety (feeling full) then ideally you need something high in protein and / or fat which isn't too calorific (unless you are purposefully wanting to gain mass.)

So, beef jerky, eggs, homemade protein pancakes / bars (not shop purchased as they are a rip off) or something along those lines would work.
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