Set out on a ride today, heading mostly south, on account of they'd said southerly winds, so I thought I'd have it behind me on the homeward leg.
Turns out it was more like westerly, and my route home was alternately north and west.
It stopped being funny.
And that's on a recumbent - would have been hell, upright.
Worst one I ever had, was Northumberland - virtually all the way from Lindisfarne to Wooler. Was pedalling downhill. Got to the edge of Wooler, had to get off and walk, couldn't ride fast enough to stay upright, due to exhaustion. Stopped at the Co op for some supper before tackling the hill to the hostel, and my companion got some pasta and sauce and said "Shall I get cheese?". My reply was "I don't care".
I've never ever not cared about cheese before, or since.