Having trouble understanding the financial crisis?

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Better explanation than Evan Davis managed - I like it.


its easy.

Banks have cocked up and gambled all our money away abroad on high risk ventures so the Government have given the banks lots and lots of our money to bail them out.

The banks took the money and instead of lending to us ,paid out all their senior management and execs loads of dividends ,pensions,payoffs and the like so the Government printed more money to give to the banks which has put us in greater debt because ultimately we will be paying for that also.

Fab Foodie said:
Has Redders seen this yet!!!!!!

He said something the other day about going to pick his new car up. If he's having lots of fun in a RangeRover Sport Sprint, he's probably forgotten about all the financial woes. :biggrin:


New Member
It's like a driving a rental car. You almost feel obliged to thrash it because you don't have to worry about servicing, longevity or residual values. That's some other mug's problem.

Now apply that mentality to gambling with other people's money and you've got a pretty good understanding of how the financial system worked until September 07.

Now, instead of owning a pristine, low mileage Golf with a full service history, we the taxpayer are proud guardians of a 100,000 mile cut-and-shut Corsa with a blown head gasket. But hey, it has tinted windows and Kenwood subwoofers. The Chavication of our banks is complete.
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