seeing this thread has reminded me of problems I used to encounter and no doubt will again in the coming months.
I've only been back in the saddle for a few weeks after a long period of inactivity and weight gain. I used to do a lot of mountain biking in my younger days and suffered quite badly from finger numbness. I also have White Finger(Raynaud's syndrome) which used to compound things, though to be honest, this has improved since I gave up smoking.
At the time I'm referring to (early to mid 1990s) suspension forks were prohibitively expensive (for me, at least) so I bought a Girvin Flex Stem, which worked wonders. finger numbness quickly became a thing of the past.
I had a quick look on
Evans Cycles website but couldn't see them so maybe they are obsolete. if they are still available or there is a modern day equivalent, I can recommend them.
probably not the most helpful post ever but it allowed me to indulge in a little nostalgia.