Hamstring Injury?

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Active Member
Manchester to Liverpool Cycle 58 Miles....I got hamstring cramp in both legs towards the end.It was my biggest ride to date. 16.8 Mph Average. So was quite fast for me.
Had a weeks rest and started cycling again and was finding hamstrings a bit tight still slightly.
Went our on a ride on this Tuesday gone and i raised my seat-post about an inch, as some 1 said it was possibly too low and had a quite high cadence ride for my standards. I've got up yesterday (wed) and my hamstrings are absolutely killing me, furthermore i've been carrying heavy stuff today and feels like ive pulled one of them. Is this to do with the cramps i've been having or the seat-post? I went on a small ride on monday on the same higher seatpost with no problems.?


Oh also seems to get some pain in my right shoulder when riding :sad: but left one is perfectly fine any ideas?


Man or Moose!
Go to a sports injury clinic and speak to a physio.


Legendary Member
Do you stretch after cycling?

Perhaps rest and ice or heat, stay off the bike until you see the physio. Cost about £40-50 for an assessment most likely
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