Hampshire Cyclist

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Hello everybody,

I'm Jon, 53, from Hampshire. I don't really have a lot to say here, but thought it was only polite to introduce myself before posting on the message board.

I am, of course, a keen cyclist. I own a Specialized Allez Elite road bike - it has served me very well for the past two years. Considering the cost of road bikes these days it was extremely good value as well. I ride often but not seriously in any way, I have never entered any kind of event but would like to in the not-too-distant future.

I'm also a family man, enjoy walking and reading crime novels. That's me really. Is there anything else I should include here?


p.s. That's not my bike in my picture. I'll load one of me or my actual bike at some point.


Voice of the people
Hello Jon. Welcome aboard.


Do not touch suspicious objects
I'm in East Hants, nr Petersfield. We've been pretty lucky with the rain these past few weeks. In case you hadn't noticed, a lot of the UK has gotten rather wet. I was too busy out cycling with NO WATERPROOFS to notice.

(That'll be me done in for the rest of 2014)



Fast and careful!
Welcome to cyclechat,I work in hampshire and commute from Wiltshire , great riding in the area ,if your looking for a first event try the grid iron , great 100 k cake run from lymington ton around the Forrest
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