Hacking a DVD player to play any area DVDs?

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Legendary Member
Anybody done this?

There's lots on the web, some blindingly simple and some horribly complex.


Señor Member
Rigid Raider said:
Anybody done this?

There's lots on the web, some blindingly simple and some horribly complex.

I flashed the firmware on my old PowerBook to do this. But on newer models I've not bothered - VLC doesn't care about DVD regions. I don't have a hardware (TV-based) DVD player so I can't help there, but it ought to be possible, either with a code or with a chip and a soldering iron.


Well-Known Member
Have done quite a few.
Depends on make and model usually as to how it is done.
Some just require a single thing and others require you to change region every time.
Have a look here: http://www.dvdcodes.net/


Senior Member
It's often nothing more than a secret sequence of key presses. It's usually best to avoid the big name manufacturers though, usually the cheaper the better. I had a KISS player that had a hidden menu for it

If it's for a PC DVD drive then there are numerous software work-arounds. DVD region free does exactly what it says on the tin and can be found by fair means or foul.

Firmware flashing is usually unecessary.
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