Guilty Pleasures?

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Well-Known Member
What are yours?

I'm laughing quite hard at the minute. My place looks out over what is effectively a single-carriageway part of the North Circular. Traffic has been stood still for over 5 minutes and everyone seems to be getting really annoyed with the red light that is preventing them moving, so they're starting to honk. Good, logical thinking there - let's honk at the light, that'll change it!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
What are yours?

I'm laughing quite hard at the minute. My place looks out over what is effectively a single-carriageway part of the North Circular. Traffic has been stood still for over 5 minutes and everyone seems to be getting really annoyed with the red light that is preventing them moving, so they're starting to honk. Good, logical thinking there - let's honk at the light, that'll change it!

And every one of them breaking the law, hooting while stationary, IIRC. Think of the revenue if they got a copper down there!


North Carolina
I used to enjoy going to the lake on the first big holiday weekend of summer (Memorial Day weekend) and watching all the newbie boat owners try to back down the boat ramps and launch their boats. Having been in their position myself at one time I can sympathize but it is also very funny to watch. Peak traffic hours are best, everyone is lined up waiting for you to get out of the way. Fortunately for some, there are usually a few skilled good Samaritans around.


What are yours?

I'm laughing quite hard at the minute. My place looks out over what is effectively a single-carriageway part of the North Circular. Traffic has been stood still for over 5 minutes and everyone seems to be getting really annoyed with the red light that is preventing them moving, so they're starting to honk. Good, logical thinking there - let's honk at the light, that'll change it!
Mine is similar'ish..
See how stressed, impatient, annoyed some drivers get when traffic really gets backed up, usually several miles worth. I'll turn the engine off, maybe get a paper out, play with my phone, lean out the window and watch the world go by...anything BUT get stressed, I enjoy the moment. Make the most of it...nothing i'm going to do is going to make it any better or quicker.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Ben and jerrys ice cream


Well-Known Member
2675567 said:
The other day I was crossing the road through a load of stationary traffic. The tipper truck driver I was walking in front of beeped his horn and I would be sorry to hear that it was illegal because he was warning me about a motorcycle coming down the cycle lane at speed.

At that point in time, you were a road user and he was warning you of danger - legal.
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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
2675567 said:
The other day I was crossing the road through a load of stationary traffic. The tipper truck driver I was walking in front of beeped his horn and I would be sorry to hear that it was illegal because he was warning me about a motorcycle coming down the cycle lane at speed.

That was good of him, but it doesn't make it legal. It's like flashing someone out of a sideroad - we do it, but it's not what the flash of lights is meant to mean - like the horn, a light flash should mean "Watch out, I'm here!"

Using the horn to mean "Get out of my way" or "I'm fed up!", is definitely not legal, but it's a law few understand, and I doubt it's ever enforced nowadays.
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