Grips sliding off the bars

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Über Member

The grips on my handles bars are slowly sliding off (I can get a finger between the grip and the twister for the gear shift) and I can't slide them back on. How can I get them to stay on properly? I'm getting a bit sick of them just sliding off the bars.


Lost it, got it again.
Hairspray. Use it to loosen them, move them to where you want and when it dries it should hold 'em in place.
Timely question.

i bought some new cheap (3.99) handle bar grips for my old mountain bike at the weekend. (cycle warehouse jumblesale thing at Stantonbury leisure centre in Milton Keynes) the tip on the packaging for fitting them said

use Hairspray, when wet it is a lubricant, when dry acts like glue.

So, remove the grips completely, spray some hairspray on the bars and some on the inside of the grips and push them on into position - worked a treat for me :thumbsup:

best of luck


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
i also like to clean the bars and the inside of the grips with either meths or isopropyl alcohol first before using hairspray.


Über Member
As cool and funky as they look, money isn't something I have much of at the moment so unfortunately - hairspray it is! Thanks for the answers, I hope my girlfriend has some lying around... the difficult thing is to get the bloody things off!

Quick question - Should I take them off, and spray on the actual bars or down the grips, or both? I assume it dries pretty quick as well.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Take them off, clean the bars, spray hairspray inside them (it only needs a quick burst) and slide the grips back on while thy're still wet. Leave them to dry.

If you have any WD40 knocking about the solvent in that actually attacks the rubber inside the grips, and once they're on and dried out they won't shift either.


Large Member
Window cleaning spray works too. Something about the way the alcohol dries, I believe.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Is that a knee jerk to my mentioning WD40?


Well-Known Member
Must admit I've used wd40 on the past - haven't noticed anything happening to the rubber. Not quite as secure as hairspray but it takes quite a long time for them to move appreciably - and saves buying a can of summat that'll get used once in a blue moon.

betty swollocks

large member
To get them of, nick a knitting needle (or suchlike) from your girlfriend, use it lever a bit of the grip off and squirt hairspray down and repeat as necessary. You then have the option too to push the grips further on instead.
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