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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Bianchi Dave

Bianchi Dave

Quite some amount of new members ‘here today’; in light of BikeRadar being about to fizzle out. Almost feels like we’re fashionably hip 🙄 😁


Bikeradar has been on decline for a while. I first noticed when the classifieds section dried up, as it was pretty good. I think with ebay now being free to sell its had a marked effect on these sections, not just in cycling.

I was never that regular a 'poster', although previously quite active in the 'workshop' threads, but tbh weightweenies is far better for that nowadays, especially for roadies.

Up until last year the 'pro race' threads were brilliant, especially around the GTs, Blazing Saddles in particular doing a great job to start them off. It's a pity we've been royally shafted with race coverage in the UK, and this is having a knock on effect on the forum unfortunately.

I still dip in to 'cake stop' now and again, but more as a lurker rather than prolific poster!
Bianchi Dave

Bianchi Dave

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