I clean my derailleur with "Muc-Off" Chain degreaser and kitchen towels. You can use a standard washing-up brush to get the grit out of the nooks-and-crannies. I re-lube with some fairly light own-brand oil from
Decathlon, but as stated above - don't use grease.
Grease you should use however for wheel bearings. I use lithium grease - it doesn't absorb water (which standard Axle Grease does, over time).
It's not a mammouth task - takes just a few minutes once you're practised at it. Even re-greasing the wheel bearings doesn't take long once you know what you're doing. Make sure you've got the right tools before you start though (including a torque wrench, to put the cassette back on (and that's probably due for replacement as well if you feel your wheel bearings need re-greasing). I run 105 as well, and from memory, I think it's 28nm that you torque the lock-ring to.