Gravelly voiced cover of "Sounds of Summer" song - who by?

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Ok I just heard a song with the lyrics phrase "sounds of summer" in it on radio a few minutes ago. I know beach boys had an album with this title but this was with a kind if gravelly voiced singer and a little bit less beach boys fun sound if you understand that.

So does anyone know what this could be and who by? I only remember the above three words to it so not much to go on. When I searched for those three words i only got Beach boys album with that title and I do not think it is beach boys with the gravelly voice singer somehow. Not their surf sound I reckon.

Any ideas?

Chris S

Legendary Member
Was the singer male or female? Male would suggest Rod Stewart, female Bonnie Tyler.

Time Waster

Male but it sounded like a more modern version. Not those two who I know the singing voice of. If I was to bet I would estimate 90s or 2000s or 2010s for this cover. It could have been a kind of soft grunge band if that makes sense. I bet it was a band not an artist too. Not 1005 on that just my gut feeling from the track.

Time Waster

You know I just thought the station might publish online a playlist. It doesn't but another site does. It was not sound of summer but sound of silence by disturbed.

Sorry, my memory is messed up!!

Time Waster

That's the one. I found it earlier and have been playing it over and over again while reading on wiki about it. Apparently it was released by Disturbed over 50 years after the original by Simon and Garfunkel.

They performed it on a tv show in America and Simon heard it. He sent them a message. Simon wrote, "Really powerful performance on Conan the other day. First time I'd seen you do it live. Nice. Thanks."

To which Draiman responded, "Mr. Simon, I am honored beyond words. We only hoped to pay homage and honor to the brilliance of one of the greatest songwriters of all time. Your compliment means the world to me/us and we are eternally grateful."

You know it is rare that covers add something to the original. I am not saying Disturbed made it better as the original is so perfect. But so is the Disturbed version. I think they gave it a new meaning and emphasis. Both versions are perfect in their own way to me. I suspect that the basic tune combined with the lyrics are what really made it as a quality song. Both versiona carried the same feel just presented differently if that makes sense. I think a good song lyrics and tune kind of wants out. As such it will get out with covers as well as the original. By get out i mean the quality of it will get out even if the talent doing it is mediocre.

IMHO there are not many covers that add something worthy to the original. I think you can probably count them on one hand possibly two but certainly not resorting to your toes!!

Do you know of any covers that you think are better than the originals or add something new to the originial if not better?

Time Waster

There are many. This is one of the most obvious ones...

There's a reaction video on this by a woman who's an opera singer and vocal coach on YouTube. It's funny watching a posh, white woman getting a bit excited about the disturbed, the hu and other bands nowhere near opera and classical music.

Google "the charismatic voice"
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