The problem with statistics (and this government loves stats) is they just don't stop coming. I mean if you really intend to stop traffic accidents then you pass a law that says cars have to stay in the garage. The stats for that would be 100% reduction. There are just to many pointless statistics being rammed down our throats, used to justify some political aim. I drive a car and ride a bike, I've not seen anything added in my area that has made either safer or better. I see lots of paint on pavements that are supposedly cycle lanes (what a joke), I see lots of flashing speed signs and money making cameras, don't get me started on speed bumps. I wonder how many School accidents involve parents driving their children to the School that could easily be walked or cycled and not caused by other drivers just trying to get to work. I would think most of them. I lived near a primary School once, parents would load their offspring into the family car at the end of the cul de sac to drive them 300yds to the School, parking would be so congested they would often park on the pavement with great difficulty and still have 50 yds to walk, you would be lucky to achieve a speed of 5mph. A blanket 20 mph is not solving any cause of a problem. There will be many reasons why children get involved in motoring accidents, I doubt hardly any are either speed related or the road users fault, this would be a law to treat the symptom and not the disease. We come to rely on pointless laws and restrictions in this country, the ability for people to look after their own safety is being diluted, everyone assumes there is a law to keep them safe and the use of wits is redundant. I taught my children to cross the road without the use of crossings, why would you trust your life to a working light bulb and a driver seeing it? Teach children the dangers, if they are not old enough to see them on their own, they should not be on their own.