Got my Focus Cayo

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Senior Member
So it's 30 years since I rode a drop bar bike, and only been riding the hybrid for the last 7 weeks. My Cayo arrived last week, but I was away all weekend so didn't get to take it out until today.

First impressions, it's actually more comfy re road bumps etc than the hybrid. I'm still tweaking seat and bar position a bit, but it's a lovely ride. Did 27 miles today, picked some steep hills to see how the compact would hold up, and got up them just fine, the shallower hills you don't really notice due to the light weight of the bike.

It pulls away and gets up to speed so much easier, it seems to me like all the effort from my legs is translated to power better. Looking forward to another trip tomorrow with hopefully seat in a better position, I had it a little too high, hips rocking, when I measure it was 4 cm higher than the hybrid. So I've dropped it a couple.

Quality seems fine to me, put some bottle cages and a pump on it, and a wee saddle bag with tubes and tool etc. Not sure about white bar tape, might change that when it goes grubby.

Weather looks set fine so I think I will commute on it tomorrow and compare to hybrid re ease / speed etc.
if you don't mind me asking which cayo did you get, as i have been looking at these aswell as the cubes and verenti bikes.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Be nice to see some pictures


Active Member
its a stunning looking machine, i was looking at it for a while and then seen the Cubes and thought more about getting one of the agrees, still undecided, the focus though has had some excellent reviews and of course German engineering like the cubes, cant be bad :rolleyes:
So it's 30 years since I rode a drop bar bike, and only been riding the hybrid for the last 7 weeks. My Cayo arrived last week, but I was away all weekend so didn't get to take it out until today.

First impressions, it's actually more comfy re road bumps etc than the hybrid. I'm still tweaking seat and bar position a bit, but it's a lovely ride. Did 27 miles today, picked some steep hills to see how the compact would hold up, and got up them just fine, the shallower hills you don't really notice due to the light weight of the bike.

It pulls away and gets up to speed so much easier, it seems to me like all the effort from my legs is translated to power better. Looking forward to another trip tomorrow with hopefully seat in a better position, I had it a little too high, hips rocking, when I measure it was 4 cm higher than the hybrid. So I've dropped it a couple.

Quality seems fine to me, put some bottle cages and a pump on it, and a wee saddle bag with tubes and tool etc. Not sure about white bar tape, might change that when it goes grubby.

Weather looks set fine so I think I will commute on it tomorrow and compare to hybrid re ease / speed etc.


Active Member
Winnersh, Berks
Whats putting me off a Focus, despite the great reviews) is that I can't go down the shop and try it, unlike a Cube which I can (when I finally get around to it!)


Active Member
I'm hoping to test ride an agree GTC SL tomorrow if the weather will hold out for me, bit pricey to say the least but what a stunner..
Whats putting me off a Focus, despite the great reviews) is that I can't go down the shop and try it, unlike a Cube which I can (when I finally get around to it!)


Senior Member
Agree with that re trying, you can send it back, but I'd be reluctant to having got it! Did 44 miles on it yesterday at 15.5 avge including 2500 feet uphill,

I don't know enough to know what makes it fit well, getting the saddle right is doing mini adjustments while out riding, and seeing what is comfy,

It's a different riding position compared to the hybrid, but I'm learning to relax a bit more on it now, no numbness etc and felt comfy after the long ride yesterday.

Only thing I have noticed is a creaking noise from around the bottom bracket when it's under load, eg putting in effort while climbing while seated. I assume is just the carbon letting me know I'm working, if I don't rock the bike as much the noise goes, so it's an indication as to whether my riding is smooth.

Hope to get time next week for my first 50 miler.


Got mine. Only had a chance to ride round the block so far trying to get riding position right. Hope to get chance to give it a longer test ride at the weekend.


Senior Member
Come back from half day at work via my long route out into the peaks, 28 miles, 1300 feet of climb in first 5 miles including a bit of 20%. It managed all that, had to stand once on the steep bit, but did the rest sitting, 2800 feet of climbing altogether. Was nearly 20 minutes faster on it than on the hybrid, particularly the uphill bits, still down to 6 or 7 mph for 2 or 3 miles but overall was 13.7 mph which on those hills I'm pleased with.

Got the hang of different bar positions now, and it's getting more comfy the more I ride it, pedalling hard ont he bottom of the drops, my gut gets in the way a bit, but the more I do it the less that will be a problem :-) It's tricky to ride out of the saddle on the bottom of the drops when wanting to get over a little rise at speed. Need to learn how to descend some of the peak roads a bit better as I think I am on the brakes a bit too much, but 35 mph and a blind bumpy bend coming I'm happier being a little cautious!

Today was the first time I've not fiddled with the saddle at all, just seemed very comfy, 2 hours and a bit and no numbness of bits or hands,

Done 120 miles on it since Sunday night and am loving it, but back to the Hybrid for a path ride with family on Sunday, that will be interesting!

My cheap 20 quid decathlon pedals are doing just fine as well.

Glover Fan

Well-Known Member
Absolutely lovely bikes for the price. about 1700 miles in on my 2009 model and have had no issues. The Schwalbe Lugano tyres that came with the bike are starting to cut up a bit now though.
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