I like Skol
A Minging Manc...
- Location
- Sunny Ashton-under-Lyne
Mrs Skol has been leaning on me for a while to set one up. Apparently I can use it to store/manage things like store loyalty cards, boarding passes, concert tickets etc.
Rightly or wrongly I have resisted? It just feels wrong to hand over a huge chunk of your life (and freedom?) to one organisation. What happens when they get hacked, or your profile gets corrupted, or something just goes wrong. Suddenly you may find you are locked out of your life! For example, certain banks/financial institutions have had outages lasting a few days recently. If you had all your eggs in one basket you may suddenly find yourself unable to buy food, fuel your car, or stranded somewhere without access to money!
Not a problem, I have just stubbornly resisted and life has continued as normal. Until today.
I have just renewed my annual Motorsport license and it seems the new e-license is now only viewable when downloaded to Google wallet or the iPhone equivalent. So, to participate in one of my hobbies it seems I have to have Google wallet?
Can I set this up without linking a payment method? Google searches seem to not understand the question as if you wouldn't want to have a Google wallet 'without' linking a payment method. Funny that?
I just want to have access to my Motorsport license and maybe the occasional boarding pass or concert tickets. I don't have an NFC phone or watch so have no need/wish to link payments. Obviously, Google wants my money to go via them. Can I avoid this?
Just to avoid the obvious replies of 'just link a card but don't use it'. I have no wish to share unnecessary financial details with a large, faceless, unaccountable organisation such as Google!
Rightly or wrongly I have resisted? It just feels wrong to hand over a huge chunk of your life (and freedom?) to one organisation. What happens when they get hacked, or your profile gets corrupted, or something just goes wrong. Suddenly you may find you are locked out of your life! For example, certain banks/financial institutions have had outages lasting a few days recently. If you had all your eggs in one basket you may suddenly find yourself unable to buy food, fuel your car, or stranded somewhere without access to money!
Not a problem, I have just stubbornly resisted and life has continued as normal. Until today.
I have just renewed my annual Motorsport license and it seems the new e-license is now only viewable when downloaded to Google wallet or the iPhone equivalent. So, to participate in one of my hobbies it seems I have to have Google wallet?
Can I set this up without linking a payment method? Google searches seem to not understand the question as if you wouldn't want to have a Google wallet 'without' linking a payment method. Funny that?
I just want to have access to my Motorsport license and maybe the occasional boarding pass or concert tickets. I don't have an NFC phone or watch so have no need/wish to link payments. Obviously, Google wants my money to go via them. Can I avoid this?
Just to avoid the obvious replies of 'just link a card but don't use it'. I have no wish to share unnecessary financial details with a large, faceless, unaccountable organisation such as Google!