Good paint stripper for bare metal respray?

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Legendary Member
I know blasting with walnut shells and all the rest of it but I have quite a few to do, on a budget and not all of them are quality frames, sometimes it's just a scratched fork on a kids bike etc that i want to give a decent bare metal rattlecan respray (done enough rattlecan spraying to know my abilities and limitations)

Nitromors and wire wool seems to work on cheapo modern bikes well enough but I have some older gas pipers that are tidy enough to respray but not quality enough to warrant pro blasting & powder coating - and Nitromors doesn't touch them - AT ALL. Heat gun and wire wool works but I'm going to have arms like Garth.

Any better strippers than Nitromors that aren't so harsh they damage a frame?


Middle aged bald git.
I tried to find one last year to strip an 80's joy whatsoever. In the end it was down to good old fashioned sand paper........well actually it was down to modern day Scotch sandpaper - which worked quicker and lasted longer. Iwil watch with interest to see if anyone else has better knowledge of strippers (led a sheltered life, I have!)


Legendary Member
Hmm...thought that might be the case. Searches seem to show the same - chemical strippers little use on early 80s and earlier frames.

It's worked smashing on a 5 year old Raleigh with scratched up forks.
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