Go Pro 3+ camera

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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but here goes anyway>

I am thinking about getting a camera, just to take shots and video of my rides so I can put together some footage of where I go and saw the Go Pro 3+.

It looks good but I am not sure if the mounts would work on helmet or handlebars.

Can anyone who knows these things have a look at this link and let me know if the mounts would do the job? Or if I have to buy something else to mount to helmet/handlebars> I know very little as you can tell haha.



the adhesive mount will work on a helmet (unless you have alot of vents then it becomes more tricky)

you'll need a bar mount for the bars (im not sure if this is included with the 3+ but when i got mine a few years ago there was an option of different bundles like bike, surf, motorsport etc and the bike one had an attachment for the bars). However if included then although it works you would be better off getting the third party K-Edge one, it is much more secure.
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