A bit daunting at first aren't they?
They are actually very easy to remove and replace, given a bit of practice. There are loads of videos and help sites if you Google them which will walk you through the process.
Punctures are dead easy as long as you are carrying a spare tub. Just remove the old tyre and stretch on a new one and inflate. (You will be back on the road far quicker than your mate who is patching a conventional tube). Providing you inflate to near maximum pressure and don't corner aggressively, you will get home no bother. Once there you can remove the tub, clean up the rim and glue it again. I never bother trying to open up a tub to repair and re-stitch it. It seems more trouble than it is worth to me.
The question of gluing against taping will be debated as long as there are spots on leopards. I am an old fogey and stick (geddit!) with old fogeys' tubes of cement. I have never had a problem with it. Don't believe all the stories about it being messy and getting glue everywhere. If you are careful, it won't happen.
One tip which is guaranteed to make life simple is not to go for the real cheap tubs. They are often far from round in section and you will struggle for an age to centre them before you realise it is not your fault. You don't have to pay huge wads either, just go mid range (unless you are racing at top level, of course).
Another thing, once you have experienced riding on a good, well mounted tub, you will not want to return to tubes and tyres.
If you have any further specific concerns, feel free to post back.