Due to the large amount of snow in the forest of Bowland area on Friday I decided to keep away from the natural trails, and headed to Gisburn forest, the first problem was getting into the car park where all the trails start, my rear wheel drive hatch back with normal tyres was having none of it, I finally found a place to park close to one of the other carparks, just off the road, but still on something almost like solid ground.
I cycled along the roads and picked up the trail signs, and headed off road into the forest, there is a red, blue and green, started to follow the red, however in 2 hours I only manage about 6 or 7 miles due to the snow, about 5inches I was on the granny ring on the flat and even down hill was hard work, as for uphill, just about impossible, I enjoyed myself and it was quite a tough work out and spent a bit to much time on the floor, atleast snow is soft. From what I saw it doesn't look too technical, but I didn't get far enough to find out what it is really like. I'll head back there one day, and have a proper ride, hopefully when I can see the ground.