Giotto Cinetica

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New Member

My dad has a Giotto Cinetica in his garage- been there for 20 or 30 years- see pic.

The frame has Giotto Cinetica on it, the gear is electric with batteries in the handle frame (Mavic), and the wheels magnesium (Mavic), I think. The frame carbon.

i can not find much info on the net.

I would appreciate it, if anyone know if it has any value? It is in good shape, and has been used very little, and is completely original.


  • giotto_cinetica_5b9260cadfb04815b1d62f1a69b69db28e270949.jpeg
    155.6 KB · Views: 11

Hugh Manatee

The gears have to Mavic Zapp. Way ahead of their time and not 100% reliable under race conditions. There is a clip on YouTube of Alex Zulle (I think) launching his bike over a hedge whilst awaiting another bike change. It was cutting edge in it's day though.

The bike must be similarly top of the range.

Welcome to the forum.


Legendary Member

Fascinating bike. I know nothing about about the frame but it looks similar to the Corina puma frame and they have a niche but string collectors market.

Hard to see from the photo but Mavic made a couple of versions Zap which is wire controlled and Mektronic which was wireless. From the brake hoods I am guessing Zap, which is the more desirable, but a few more pictures would help.

The whole thing is a real time capsule albeit from the recent past, and yes it has monetary value . However As we always say on Cyclechat the real value is that it belonged to your father , if you can, ride it and enjoy it yourself.

However, if you want to move it on, then place an ad here and i am sure there will be people willing to make a fair offer . Full disclosure, I would be among them:laugh:
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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
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New Member

Thank you for your info and help. I will ask by dad for some additional pictures and post them. I think he wold like to sell it, since it has been in his garage for 20 plus years, and he is 78 years old, so will not be riding this bike again. He has the original purchase papers etc.
Check this tumblr. (I guess you may have already)

"To this day only about 15 are accounted for worldwide, making it easy to see why the Cinetica is such a rare and sought after race machine".

Whist it's not the ideal time to be selling, or valuing vintage bikes (it's definitely a buyers' market at the moment), it seems like you have quite a rare beast there.


Legendary Member
Having seen that link, I must say that if you are thinking of selling then ebay looks to be the route,as it has the elements to go for crazy money.

Offer postage, set a reserve of at least £2500 (yes, that much:eek: a Corima Puma went for that on ebay recently and they are positively common in comparison) and grab some :popcorn:

Or, keep it, ride it as often as you can and enjoy the knowledge that you have something unique.
Mavic's electronic gear systems must be as rare as hen's teeth by now, could go for a fair bit to a collector.
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