Giant sizing

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Active Member
A friend of mine wants to move over to road bikes from mountain biking and he is 6'4, i know for a Giant TCR Alliance 0 for bargain bucket price but is in a medium frame. Could it be made to fit with a longer stem or is it a no go? Need to be quick because if word gets out of the price it will be gone in a flash.
Any tall people here on Giants?


South Somerset
I am 6 foot and ride a Defy 2 in a medium/large.


A medium would be too small. I'm 5ft 10.5 and ride a M/L which is a 53.5 frame. He would need the large (55.5cm) as the bare minimum with a longer stem.


Legendary Member
Giant size L is claimed by them to be suitable to 6'3". I'm 6'3" (a genuine neadured by a Foctor 6'3", not my real height plus-a-bit as some people seem inclined to claim) and they fit me bang on. Changing stems etc alters the bikes handling so I wouldn't recommend it.

He ought to just fit but he needs to try one to be sure. I wouldn't spend £50 on a car without driving it first and the principle holds true for bikes.
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