Getting out of the car...

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New Member
After riding to work and back and whenever else i get the chance its amazing what you miss when you driving.
Being surrounded by a lump of metal with the CD player going, it surprising what you miss!!
I went out for a ride earlier tonight and towards the end i picked up the local cycle path and came across this little one... rabbit.jpg

I pulled up by the side of it and watched it for a while then took the photo on my phone camera ( by its blurred),, the little one never even flinched, just carried on eating!!

Its a totally different world now,,listening to birds singing, seeing the wildlife (had a fox run out in front of me,,don't know who jumped the most..),,and just seeing things i never seen before in the car!!!

Just thought i'll share


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I nearly run over 2-3 of the little beggars every work day as the like to sit in the middle of the one bit of cycle path i use and play "chicken" in front of you , ran over one once.


A couple of years ago, I was riding across the farm with my son when a couple of female fallow deer came out of the hedge about 15m in front of us... boy, did they jump when they saw us. That wouldn't happen when driving or walking. :thumbsup:


West Somerset
A few weeks ago, a young buzzard burst out of the hedge as I was cycling past. S/he was at the same height as my front wheel and swerved to avoid a collision in the nick of time.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
After riding to work and back and whenever else i get the chance its amazing what you miss when you driving.
Being surrounded by a lump of metal with the CD player going, it surprising what you miss!!
I went out for a ride earlier tonight and towards the end i picked up the local cycle path and came across this little one...[attachment=4063:rabbit.jpg]

I pulled up by the side of it and watched it for a while then took the photo on my phone camera ( by its blurred),, the little one never even flinched, just carried on eating!!

Its a totally different world now,,listening to birds singing, seeing the wildlife (had a fox run out in front of me,,don't know who jumped the most..),,and just seeing things i never seen before in the car!!!

Just thought i'll share

mmmm....nom,nom, a pie with a glass of red......:hungry:


Senior Member
Carlisle, UK
There's always quite a few on my usual cycle path, especially if its getting to dusk, it's on such a narrow part as well so I'm forced to slow down or run them over. I saw one running along side me in the field yesterday and luckily it waited before crossing.

But yeah, there's always so much wildlife on my cycle path (As it's right by a river), so you have birds diving in and out of your path, unexpectedly flying, flying in front of you to catch a fly, it's quite jumpy:P


A few weeks ago, a young buzzard burst out of the hedge as I was cycling past. S/he was at the same height as my front wheel and swerved to avoid a collision in the nick of time.
Exactly the same thing happened to me a couple of years ago except it was head height. Frit me death it did - nearly fell off me bike. It was so close I could see the yellow scales on it's legs.


West Somerset
Exactly the same thing happened to me a couple of years ago except it was head height. Frit me death it did - nearly fell off me bike. It was so close I could see the yellow scales on it's legs.

If things hadn't worked out the way they did - i.e. if I'd ended up on the road - then I was going to increase its age and wingspan and tell people it attacked me :laugh:


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I cycled past Harpenden common early yesterday morning and it was like a scene from Watership Down there was so many rabbits hopping about


Über Member
I regularly have rabbit near-misses on my evening run - about 2 feet in front of the wheel is the closest so far. I fully expect one of them to come to grief jumping through the spokes at some point soon. :blush:


New Member
I love my early morning rides through the country lanes.

It's so quiet, and I see so much that I would otherwise miss.

Of course, there are the usual wild rabbits and such like, but one morning on one of my first rides out a gaggle of geese flew overhead, honking and generally making a din, but it was quite a sight!

And just last week a buzzard flew over head too - a HUGE bird and quite intimidating really! But definately a sight worth seeing.

You're right - cooped up in a metal box, so much passes you by.
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