Out of curiosity, what sort of gear ratio do most of you tend to use for instance in going uphill. Since I got my brand new bike with front gears as well as back I've tried highs and lows, but have settled on mainly using what is effectively 10th gear for being able to go faster.
For one thing I'm terrified of the chains jumping off. (This is my paranoia speaking). But I was terribly annoyed when someone passed me on a hill pedaling easily when I'd gone into a low(?) gear close to 1st and was pedalling my heart out and not getting anything out of the bike.
I prefer to feel that my pedalling actually has an effect on my speed.
For one thing I'm terrified of the chains jumping off. (This is my paranoia speaking). But I was terribly annoyed when someone passed me on a hill pedaling easily when I'd gone into a low(?) gear close to 1st and was pedalling my heart out and not getting anything out of the bike.

I prefer to feel that my pedalling actually has an effect on my speed.