Hi, I've now returned to road cycling following 10years off MTB'ing, previously had a lot of experience with road racing/closed circuit etc.
However, with my Pinnacle Dolomite One i am finding the gearing a bit lacking, I generally have a high cadence, typically between 90-105rpm and do not like griding up hills as I am not exactly a lightweight 187lb.
My current gearing is an 8 speed, 12-25 shimano type W rear and a front double 42 and 50 tooth chainring (shimano 2300) and using Sheldons gear calculator this gives me a climbing speed of almost 12mph in the 42-24 at 90rpm and a top speed of 32mph on the flat using the 50-12 at 100rpm. Rarely do I naturally drop below 85rpm, however, anything above a 5% slope starts to get the breathing going as I try to maintain cadence and speed.
I generally find that I rarely go below 50-15 and the 42-25 is nowhere near high enough for hill climbing with my high cadence while seated, i'm trying to take it easier now!!
Anyway, any suggestions of how I can set my gearing up to be more suitable without spending a fortune, I can change all the parts myself but looking for ideas of what others use.
PS have a dodgy knee hence not willing to grind up the hills.
However, with my Pinnacle Dolomite One i am finding the gearing a bit lacking, I generally have a high cadence, typically between 90-105rpm and do not like griding up hills as I am not exactly a lightweight 187lb.
My current gearing is an 8 speed, 12-25 shimano type W rear and a front double 42 and 50 tooth chainring (shimano 2300) and using Sheldons gear calculator this gives me a climbing speed of almost 12mph in the 42-24 at 90rpm and a top speed of 32mph on the flat using the 50-12 at 100rpm. Rarely do I naturally drop below 85rpm, however, anything above a 5% slope starts to get the breathing going as I try to maintain cadence and speed.
I generally find that I rarely go below 50-15 and the 42-25 is nowhere near high enough for hill climbing with my high cadence while seated, i'm trying to take it easier now!!
Anyway, any suggestions of how I can set my gearing up to be more suitable without spending a fortune, I can change all the parts myself but looking for ideas of what others use.
PS have a dodgy knee hence not willing to grind up the hills.