Gawd!! - we haven't half upset the Daily Mail havent we??....

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Active Member
What is it with the Mail??. They're absolutely gunning for cyclists - sorry, "Lycra Louts" at the moment. Their website is running simultaneous negative stories about cyclists in general. Society criminalised Dog owners and now it feels like it's our turn. They really need to witness some of the car "drivers" by me. Pimped up to s**t, driven by thugs and mysteriously no front number plates.


Started young, and still going.
What is it with the Mail??. They're absolutely gunning for cyclists - sorry, "Lycra Louts" at the moment. Their website is running simultaneous negative stories about cyclists in general. Society criminalised Dog owners and now it feels like it's our turn. They really need to witness some of the car "drivers" by me. Pimped up to s**t, driven by thugs and mysteriously no front number plates.

It's probably a slow news day. They have to have someone to to make stories up about.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
The easy solution is.... Don't read it. Don't even click on ANY link to the DM or any of the other countless trashy clickbait "news" sites that exist. They aren't hard to spot. Usually headlined with "Exact time weather armageddon is going to strike somewhere near you" or "Major changes to car number plates coming in March/September" "Little known pedal in your car will help slow it down"... Wow, really?
Their disdain for 'Lycra Louts' is a stark turnaround from “Hurrah for the blackshirts” :rolleyes:

Vile, vile organisation that has never redeemed itself for its support of Hitler, Mussolini and Moseley and is currently in the vanguard of the Culture War and the demonisation of 'others' - cyclists included - which fits right in with that history.


Legendary Member
What worries me is the amount of their readers who do lap it up and hate us even more than they already do. I am close to packing in cycling outdoors.

And that way the mouth breathing morons win. We should all be getting on bikes more often.


Senior Member
Their 'news items' are simply there as mortar between the bricks of clickbait, e.g.:
Pregnant woman rushed to hospital - doctors cry when they x-ray her.
Casino-owners don't want you to know this fruit-machine hack.
1980s celebs unrecognisable today - these pics will shock you.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Does the Daily Mail still have the "Side Bar of Shame", where readers can look at holiday shots of celebrities in bikinis, and oggle over "blooming" girls who are heading towards maturity?
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