Garmin - loading new course during ride (problems)

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Legendary Member
I recently moved from a very old Edge 510 to a not-new Edge 820, and discovered that on the 820 I cannot load a new course from Connect to the device while I have a ride in progress, even when the ride is paused. On the old 510 this worked fine - on a long day I would replot routes on RideWithGPS or similar on the phone, open them in Connect and send to the Edge 510; I sometimes needed to switch the device off and on to force a sync with the phone, but my ride was still paused and I could continue where I left off. With the 820, I have to stop and save/discard the ride before any syncing at all can take place, with the effect that a long day's ride could be split into 2 or 3 separate rides when recorded on Connect (and uploaded to Strava).

I found somewhere a post that described this phenomenon, and said that this design flaw was shared by a number of middle generation Garmin Edge models, but that it has been corrected on newer ones, but I can't find the article again.

Question to Garmin owners : can you load new courses from Connect to your device, mid-ride, and on what models? I'm especially interested in low-mid price range so sort of 530, 540, or the Explore 2.


Kilometre nibbler
Not long ago on my 1040, which is pretty much top of the range, I tried to download a new course using the RideWithGPS Connect IQ app (not from Connect so not exactly what you ask) mid ride. It didn't work, but if I stopped the current ride it did. I wasn't sure if it was a problem with the app or the GPS. I've never tried to sync with Connect mid-ride.

The split ride wasn't a problem, I just merged the two halves in RideWithGPS. I don't know if Strava has that feature.


Legendary Member
Not long ago on my 1040, which is pretty much top of the range, I tried to download a new course using the RideWithGPS Connect IQ app (not from Connect so not exactly what you ask) mid ride. It didn't work, but if I stopped the current ride it did. I wasn't sure if it was a problem with the app or the GPS. I've never tried to sync with Connect mid-ride.

The split ride wasn't a problem, I just merged the two halves in RideWithGPS. I don't know if Strava has that feature.

I don't know Connect IQ, I always go mapping app (eg RideWithGPS, etc)==> Connect ==> transfer to Garmin device.
Of course ultimately I could just merge rides on Strava but that is an extra hassle I'd rather avoid, particularly when I know that on my older Edge 510 it had all worked fine.


Legendary Member
Not long ago on my 1040, which is pretty much top of the range, I tried to download a new course using the RideWithGPS Connect IQ app (not from Connect so not exactly what you ask) mid ride. It didn't work, but if I stopped the current ride it did. I wasn't sure if it was a problem with the app or the GPS. I've never tried to sync with Connect mid-ride.

The split ride wasn't a problem, I just merged the two halves in RideWithGPS. I don't know if Strava has that feature.
You can do that on Strava.


Kilometre nibbler
OK I've done my tests.

1040 - works OK, can sync while recording an activity and download routes. Only problem is that the ConnectIQ app doesn't work properly, that's an issue with the app, not the GPS. I'll notify RWGPS.

530 - Can't sync while recording an activity. ConnectIQ apps can't be run while recording.

Edit. Just did an imaginary scenario that I wanted to create a new route while out riding. I started recording on my 1040. I used the Garmin Connect app on the phone to create the route (not the greatest interface, but no phone-based touch-screen route planners are). I then pressed the send to device icon on the route on the phone, chose the 1040 to send it to, and it sent it straight to the 1040. No problems.
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Legendary Member
Northern Germany
Any chance you could try it on the Explore 2? That was one of the models I was looking at getting, along with some of the Wahoos.

So finally managed to get out for a short ride this morning and try it out. I started riding one route and recording my ride. I then pulled over after a kilometre or so and stopped the current route navigation and then loaded a new course which I then followed.

The unit continued to record my ride uninterrupted from the very beginning and the whole process took seconds. The beauty of these newer Edge units is that they start navigating almost instantaneously, no need to wait for it to load up.

Whilst I used two routes already on my head unit, it's also no stress to pop a new route in. I can create one on the fly in RWGPS, then pin it. Then open Garmin connect and sync it with the edge explore via Bluetooth. The whole thing is seamless and takes moments.

Let me know if you have any other questions about my experiences with the Explore 2. I like it a lot, it's a nice head unit that does everything I need.
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