Garmin Connect

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I like Garmin Connect and I think it is great to be able to print your ride daily reports but I have one slight problem that has just come up at the end of the month, when I print "activities" the font is too small, is there any way that I can increase the font size or get a printable version of Activities.


Well-Known Member
Fairly certain you can export activities to Excel where you can re-size etc, etc

edit - just tried and works a treat. Button is in bottom right corner - HTH :smile:

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
I have nerdily detailed spreadsheet with all my various triathlon activities on it, and Garmin Connect too, but have never seen the need to print them?


Who, me ?

In a slightly different context, from time to time I get out my old flying logbooks to reminisce over. Electric logbooks hadn't been invented when I started so and having set off with pen and paper I kept going with it until I got an iPhone. With the iPhone, I can fill it in as I go along but keep multiple back-ups. At some stage, I'll have a print fest so I'll be able to use them to embellish a few stories.

Anyway, if your records are important to you, it might be worth thinking about how you will continue to access them in future years. Garmin may change the format of their site/have a crash/go-bust etc. If you keep excel files on your own machine, how future proof is the format?

I guess that even the ink on printed pages can fade. Hopefully at a slower rate than my memory...

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