Games or sports?

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Is there any difference between games and sport if they're competitive?

I'm just reminded of a discussion about snooker or darts along these lines. Some think of snooker and / or darts not being a sport but a game. Doesn't matter, I just curious about what views people might have on this. All I do know for certain is that it's simply not sporting the way i play, I'm that bad!

Whatever your views, why?

Also, of not sport what else isn't a sport that gets widely treated like sport?


Legendary Member
Darts is a sport alright. Those darts lads are superbly honed athletes.


Firm and Fruity
Everyone will have a different answer. And there probably isn’t a consensus.

I think a sport has to involve something physical. But there will be plenty of anomalies.

A game like darts or snooker is clearly very skilful. But not physical. Is golf a sport?

Once it becomes professional it probably becomes a sport. They are all classed as sports as far as TV and newspapers are concerned.
If it's reported on the sports pages, it's a sport.


I once had someone argue that darts was a sport because, 'look at how far we walk in a match.'

'Looking at some of them fat farkers it's not far enough,' wasn't the reply that he was expecting. 😂
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