After a bike ride my knees often ache like hell. To help I use a hot water bottle and place it across them to ease the aching.My cat is no spring chicken anymore and after a long day outside hunting and beating up any stay dogs he sees (he's tough guy) he comes in for the night to settle down.
Whilst I'm sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine and a good film he's made a habit of settling down on my hot water bottle.
The funny thing is this water bottle is steaming hot ,and he some how doesn't quite sit on it ,but more or less hovers over it, When it gets to much he stands up to cool off a bit before settling back down.
I've lossed count how many times he's does all this.
After a bike ride my knees often ache like hell. To help I use a hot water bottle and place it across them to ease the aching.My cat is no spring chicken anymore and after a long day outside hunting and beating up any stay dogs he sees (he's tough guy) he comes in for the night to settle down.
Whilst I'm sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine and a good film he's made a habit of settling down on my hot water bottle.
The funny thing is this water bottle is steaming hot ,and he some how doesn't quite sit on it ,but more or less hovers over it, When it gets to much he stands up to cool off a bit before settling back down.
I've lossed count how many times he's does all this.
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