I did 63 miles yesterday, the last 45 miles straight into the 20mph southwesterly winds that have been around for the last week or so. On a hybrid, and was aiming for 4hrs30 but with the headwind ended up at about 5hrs10. Had a few 1min breaks to eat and drink, as didn't have a saddle bag or accessible pockets.
This is what I ate - lots of pasta dishes the few days before, lots of water the night before; then 750ml water and a banana before leaving (straight after waking up); and during the ride, 1000ml Lucozade Sport, 1250ml water, a malt loaf, and the rest of the packet of fig rolls. Does this sound enough for a 5 hour cycle with that much headwind? Adds up to around 1600kcals if my maths is right.
The first hour was definitely glycogen fuelled and almost effortless, the second hour was sustainable, but after that I was definitely topping up an empty tank and never felt properly energised again. Could be that I should have taken a longer break.
Could be that I'm just not as fit as I used to be.
This is what I ate - lots of pasta dishes the few days before, lots of water the night before; then 750ml water and a banana before leaving (straight after waking up); and during the ride, 1000ml Lucozade Sport, 1250ml water, a malt loaf, and the rest of the packet of fig rolls. Does this sound enough for a 5 hour cycle with that much headwind? Adds up to around 1600kcals if my maths is right.
The first hour was definitely glycogen fuelled and almost effortless, the second hour was sustainable, but after that I was definitely topping up an empty tank and never felt properly energised again. Could be that I should have taken a longer break.
Could be that I'm just not as fit as I used to be.