Front light for a one timer FNRttC

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Dear panel, please forgive me for asking the oft-asked question.

(I have just gone through the first few pages of this board to find an answer, and there's nothing obvious.)

There's a couple of newbies joining the June 21st FNRttC run to Brighton and I wondered what the panel would recommend for a good-enough light to see by that won't break the (student financed) bank ?

I think we're talking cheapy, Chinese and eBay, but please don't be afraid of giving of your (doubtless) robust opinions.

Many thanks in advance.


Silencing his legs regularly
There's a Hope Vision One on eBay for £30....Also, try Alpkit. Their (excellent) Ariel is out of stock, but the cheaper models are available. Would strongly recommend two lights if they can afford it....


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
They won't need anything too bright or expensive. As you know yourself, riding in the FN group there's a fair amount of ambient bike light even In the darkest lanes. That HV1 would be ideal. It will last all night on a set of AA's on the low setting, take extras if they want to use a bit more light.


Yup, and, given it's the shortest night of the year, we have the benefit of street lighting for the first hour or so, and we have an hour in The Edifice, run time is not at a premium.
The Hope Vision One is outclassed these days. And to be honest, mine didn't last that well.
I'd suggest a Moon Meteor X Auto Pro. It's £35 on Amazon or £29.99 on eBay at the moment.

I have a Meteor Vortex which is slightly brighter, but it's unobtanium at the moment. I suspect it's a fairly similar light to the Meteor X above. I find the Vortext, relateive to the Hope Vision 1, is bright and has a much longer runtime in day/low powered modes. USB-C charging and replaceable batteries too - although the batteries are proprietary. Should be good enough for night time riding on wet roads.

I also have the Meteor Storm Pro which is even brighter at 2000 lumens - but with two batteries, more importantly for me, has a much longer run time. That's available for £54.99 on eBay.


The Hope Vision One is outclassed these days. And to be honest, mine didn't last that well.
I'd suggest a Moon Meteor X Auto Pro. It's £35 on Amazon or £29.99 on eBay at the moment.

I have a Meteor Vortex which is slightly brighter, but it's unobtanium at the moment. I suspect it's a fairly similar light to the Meteor X above. I find the Vortext, relateive to the Hope Vision 1, is bright and has a much longer runtime in day/low powered modes. USB-C charging and replaceable batteries too - although the batteries are proprietary. Should be good enough for night time riding on wet roads.

I also have the Meteor Storm Pro which is even brighter at 2000 lumens - but with two batteries, more importantly for me, has a much longer run time. That's available for £54.99 on eBay.

Thank you !!
Being naughty, I would suggest the least expensive light from an LBS....if financed by student. A first time FNRer does not really need a light to see by, just to be seen. There will be very little total darkness on 21 June and if the bunch becomes spread out they could follow someone with a more powerful light e.g. Hatler senior.

If they like the idea of night riding and it becomes a thing, then a more powerful light could be purchased, maybe by the bank of mumndad.

No doubt the Fridays virgins are sensible young folk, so haring downhill in pitch blackness will not be an option, even with retina busting bright mega lumens lights.

(Once upon a time, an experienced FNRer, on a ride around 20 June, rode an entire ride ride without a front light. I do not recommend such practice and DNAMHIKT).


Kilometre nibbler
I tend to agree with @Shadow. Go to (say) Decathlon and pick something that they can afford. Nothing too obviously feeble.

I'm still happy with my HV1 which seems to be indestructible so I've not looked at what's available for over 10 years, so no recommendations I'm afraid.

At the rear: Cateye Omni 5 . x2
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Über Member
The Flatlands
I would also suggest checking out the compatibility of the light mount and the handlebars as some of the Moon mounts are weirdly shaped but can also be fairly flexible.
The Ravemen PR series with dual beam are sturdy and the lower lumens have dropped prices a lot recently.
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