Marie Attoinette Fan
My wide rimmed aero wheel is a very tight fit in a tt frame, if it sits at the top of the drop out, it rubs; if it sits a mm or two lower its fine. A problem occurs though if the skewer when riding rises to the top of the dropouts. Is it a case of just ensuring the qr is tight enough or do you get some sort of insert/adjuster which stops the skewer doing this (rising a few mm) ?
My wide rimmed aero wheel is a very tight fit in a tt frame, if it sits at the top of the drop out, it rubs; if it sits a mm or two lower its fine. A problem occurs though if the skewer when riding rises to the top of the dropouts. Is it a case of just ensuring the qr is tight enough or do you get some sort of insert/adjuster which stops the skewer doing this (rising a few mm) ?