french revolutions by Tim Moore.

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Über Member
Ayr Scotland
Had this book years ago, gave someone a loan and never saw it again, booked it out of Libaray as it is a good laugh
waiting to see what h`e does next. Read it last week to find that it was the same book on the outside it was a totally different story, all the funny parts taken out


I just read this review of it by Esther on Goodreads.
"My brother, an avid cyclist, passed this on to me. Well I thought this was utter crap. Firstly, at the beginning he talks about not having done much cycling, not being fit, does hardly any training, nearly falls over trying to get used to clip in pedals etc. Yet another in a long line of delusional males, or is this ineptitude supposed to engender sympathy or humor in the reader? It just irritated me. Then he gets started on riding the tour and is suddenly clocking up 100s of kilometers and makes mention to one of the poor hoteliers that encounter him that his bike cost $24,000. So there is a hefty smell of bullshit surrounding his attempts at playing the stupid amateur. And if he's playing this for laughs, it was really shoot. Not funny at all. In fact he just comes across as a gigantic cock. Rude and practically xenophobic to the poor French people he encounters."


I read it, thought how unimpressive it was, but gave it to a chum to read to see if it was just me. He thought it was so bad he destroyed it to stop others wasting their time. He is not nice. Esp to the French hosts.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Had this book years ago, gave someone a loan and never saw it again, booked it out of Libaray as it is a good laugh
waiting to see what h`e does next. Read it last week to find that it was the same book on the outside it was a totally different story, all the funny parts taken out

Never lend books. Cannot understand why the recipients can never be bothered to give them back voluntarily.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You're making me feel bad. I noticed a copy of Fred by John Arlott (biog of Fred Trueman) on my shelf. I borrowed it about 10 years ago.:eek:

I lost too many books before I stopped lending and some I did get back after an argument. The borrowers denied they were mine until I showed my name under the back cover.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Andrew P Sykes is excellent as well.

I have his latest one “Le Grand Tour on a Bike Called Wanda “ on my kindle but not read it yet.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Is this where we post the best reviews?

”If I could give this book no stars I would. Funny for the first half chapter and after that cringe making. Moore spends most of the book whinging and complaining, and when he's not doing that he critising. His behaviour is appalling. The worst kind of tourist, and why anyone would want to read about this I don't know. I only persisted with this book because I thought it couldn't all be like this. But it is. Be warned.”

Once a Wheeler

…always a wheeler
Beware of cross-culture humour. When you know the target culture reasonably well, the humour often reveals itself as school-kid back-chat with no appreciation of how the the other culture works: the very essence of yours is different from mine and mine is better than yours. Try reading H G Wells, The Country of the Blind. They do things differently here, because…
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