does this noise mean anything?
The bike was not used and left outside for a long time. The freewheel sprocket spun free in both directions. After removing it and dripping oil thru it in both directions it appeared to work fine. Once reinstalled it still works fine, but does make this noise when I stop peddling. With bike upside down and rear wheel spinning freely i can also fell the noise as a vibration in the frame.
Im considering rebuilding and selling this bike. Ive done this for many bikes, but this is my 1st with this issue. Everything else on bike is fine. Except that all the cables need to be replaced, which Ive done before.
When i had the rear sprocket off i cleaned and repacked the rear wheel bearings(something I have done before).
Might there be an issue with the freewheel sprocket down the road after Ive sold the bike?
Hyper Havoc 21 speed.
Yes while peddling you can hear a higher pitch front sprocket chain noise that I will take care of when I adjust the shifting, Im not asking about this.
The bike was not used and left outside for a long time. The freewheel sprocket spun free in both directions. After removing it and dripping oil thru it in both directions it appeared to work fine. Once reinstalled it still works fine, but does make this noise when I stop peddling. With bike upside down and rear wheel spinning freely i can also fell the noise as a vibration in the frame.
Im considering rebuilding and selling this bike. Ive done this for many bikes, but this is my 1st with this issue. Everything else on bike is fine. Except that all the cables need to be replaced, which Ive done before.
When i had the rear sprocket off i cleaned and repacked the rear wheel bearings(something I have done before).
Might there be an issue with the freewheel sprocket down the road after Ive sold the bike?
Hyper Havoc 21 speed.
Yes while peddling you can hear a higher pitch front sprocket chain noise that I will take care of when I adjust the shifting, Im not asking about this.