Fred Whitton

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Well-Known Member
Hi all, is anyone else here taking part in this event this year? I live in the area but its my first propper road event and def the biggest! any tips on training?

Nearly there

Practice going over those passes especially wrynose and hardknott :laugh: good luck I wish I was fit enough to tackle this ride


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I ventured up Hardknott, Wrynose and Kirkstone last year on a Coast To Coast trip, they are without question, the hardest but most satisfying stretches of road I have ever ridden. The only way to attack Hardknott is steady but sure, don't burn yourself out driving up the first stretch of 30% you come to, keep it ticking over, have a breather on the middle section that 'flattens out' slightly (10% or so I think it was) then focus for the beast of a kick in the final third.
The best advice on training I can give you is keep it regular and scheduled. Have at least 2 rest days per week to give your body a chance at recovering. Mix it up with short sharp blasts (10 milers or so at full tilt) and long steady rides at evenings or weekends. Pay attention to your nutrition, depending what goes in can greatly affect the results.

Most of all enjoy your Freddy!!!


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
For anyone who may have missed out on a place...I'd recommend the 85 mile version of the Chris Walker Cycle Challenge. Similar(ish) route to the Fred, but misses out the Newlands/Whinlatter loop, and takes a short-cut to include the infamous "Struggle" on the Kirkstone. Done it twice and one day I'll manage to ride up Harknott.


Banned member
South West
This must be a seriously tough event. Training will very much depend on how fit you are already and if you want to complete the ride in a certain time or simply just survive it!

I would suggest having suitably low gears if you are not a lean racing snake, and then just ride plenty of miles with some good climbing too.


Banned member
South West
For anyone who may have missed out on a place...I'd recommend the 85 mile version of the Chris Walker Cycle Challenge. Similar(ish) route to the Fred, but misses out the Newlands/Whinlatter loop, and takes a short-cut to include the infamous "Struggle" on the Kirkstone. Done it twice and one day I'll manage to ride up Harknott.

And for anyone down south, the Somerset hills gran fondo offers 112 miles and plenty of climbs - perhaps not quite as hard as Fred but still a tough ride and a good challenge


There's also the "four seasons" do-it-yourself version for those not able to get on the event.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments, I am training on my standard winter steed and will be doing the event on my cr1 compact to give me best chance on the passes, my main concern is that I havnt been able to maintain a good level of fitness over dec Jan and feb after breaking a big toe then getting a lung infection do I guess it's s case of balancing some goof training without pushing too hard and over doing it


Well-Known Member
Well managed 77 mile today including hardknott and wrynoes, stopped twice going up hardknott but didn't get off the bike, cleared wrynoes and am now recovering
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