I ventured up Hardknott, Wrynose and Kirkstone last year on a Coast To Coast trip, they are without question, the hardest but most satisfying stretches of road I have ever ridden. The only way to attack Hardknott is steady but sure, don't burn yourself out driving up the first stretch of 30% you come to, keep it ticking over, have a breather on the middle section that 'flattens out' slightly (10% or so I think it was) then focus for the beast of a kick in the final third.
The best advice on training I can give you is keep it regular and scheduled. Have at least 2 rest days per week to give your body a chance at recovering. Mix it up with short sharp blasts (10 milers or so at full tilt) and long steady rides at evenings or weekends. Pay attention to your nutrition, depending what goes in can greatly affect the results.
Most of all enjoy your Freddy!!!