Food/Exercise and feeling ill/odd

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Über Member
I went for a cycle ride on the weekend - something I do most weekend..

this Sunday I cycled 50 miles - I was cycling with a very slow group and as such it was one of the easiest 50 mile rides Iv ever done.

When I got home, other than naturally feeling tired (i figure burning 2000 calories will do that) I started to feel kinda odd, not quite sick, but not quite right either.

I felt like this for pretty much the rest of the day (finished the ride at 12pm, went to bed at 10pm)

about 30mins before the ride I had a bowl of portage, and a coffee, at about the 20mile mark I had a banana, and about the 40mile mark I had a small sausage roll (I know, probably not great, but good for filling the belly). Once the ride was finished I had some cake, crisps, a small kitkat

Later that day I had a jacket potato, didn't really have much of an appetite for it, had about half of it, and few hours after that forced a bowl of corn flakes down me.

Now in all honestly the diet has always been crap, and i suspect that the issue above all else...So, whats good for after ride eating, what would help me get back to normal feeling?


Man or Moose!
I think you are over thinking and over eating afterwards, no need to force yourself to eat jacket potatoes and corn flakes etc if you don't feel hungry, just have a glass of milk (chocolate milk is even better) and then only eat what you feel like. Forcing yourself to eat is doing yourself no favours.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
did you not drink anything on this ride - could be dehydration :whistle:


Man or Moose!
I would seriously doubt anyone is going to come up short with regards dehydration over a very easy 50 miles at this time of year (unless they set off in a state of partial dehydration). Not to the degree you felt ill anyway.


Über Member
dehydration - Im not sure, but I would guess no - I had a single 750mm bottle (with electrolytes) , drank the last of it by about 45mile mark, pee was pretty clear later on. But saying that, I normally take two bottles with me with the intention of drinking a bottle every 25miles.

I think food is the real issue, or at the very least when I ate it. But could be wrong, im hardly up to speed on food/drink and tend too wing it.

It could just be the cake/coffee/kitkat combo straight after the ride, was feeling A-OK immediately after the ride.
See what happens over the rest of the week it could be a cold coming on. If this is a one off, then it could be anything. If it is repeatable then you need to start eliminating things to find the root cause. We all have odd days now and again and can't find a reasonable explanation.


Legendary Member
You cycled 50 miles and ate that garbage? No wonder you felt bad; you don't appreciate how much a long ride takes out of your reserves - nor do you understand that the rest and the after-ride meal are as important for building fitness and lean muscle as the actual ride.

You shuld have made yourself an appetising meal of fresh vegetables, carbs and a quality protein with some fats.
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